
NewAfrica Clean Energy

There is a potential of 1,000MWe+ modern bioenergy plants, primarily from combined heat & power (CHP) opportunities based on forests and sugar plantations. Half of African plantation wood outside of South Africa is typically wasted, ideal feedstock for bioenergy, and the residuals from the sugar and other agricultural industries are inefficiently used throughout the Continent.   Residuals from a number of perennial crops represents attractive feedstock sources for bioenergy:  cashew, macadamia, coconuts, oil palm, etc.    

There are 1000+ CHPs globally, using standard (but not plug & play) technologies and these are ignored by Africa’s renewables industry. There is a strong case for biomass CHPs in many African countries driven by

·       sustainably grown and wasted biomass

·       rapid growth in electricity demand and desire for distributed generation

·       process heat demand

·       falling bioenergy capex

·       tailored processing solutions and

·       baseload power and peak supply capabilities.

NAB aims to build an African bioenergy platform and create a new business model based on standardised plants, optimised feedstock supply, local industrial integration, operational scale and reduced risks. The positive economic, environmental and social impacts of bioenergy are larger, and it meets more SDGs, than any other type of renewables.

Renewable Energy Production

Baseload: Biomass CHP

Variable Baseload: AD Biogas/Syngas

Variable Baseload: Hydropower

Intermittent: Solar PV

Intermittent: Wind Energy

Biochar, Charcoal and Briquette production

NAB Partners have practical experience with a range of charcoal production technologies, and the development and implementation of sustainable charcoal projects.